Jul 18, 2010

Incredible Day

Wednesday was my play niece's 6th birthday, and today we celebrated this special moment with her and her family. We went to John's Incredible Pizza, and according to The Mrs, the pizza was nothing short of that. Enjoying hours of fun filled games always brings that child like spirit out of me. Kimora is a highly intelligent little girl with the future bright as a star. We are grateful and thankful to be apart of her life. We wish her many more INCREDIBLE BLESSEDdays!

Her aim was on point.

She was getting buckets!

Her pops Ronnie and I, couldn't help but to get in on the action.

I am able to walk now, PRAISE GOD! If it wasn't for this aircast I would have been running around like a toddler.

Since I couldn't run... I am just gonna ride.

Counting her earnings. She came up on a little over 2G's... not bad for a few hours of work.

Photos courtesy of the lovely Natasha Spencer.

1 comment:

  1. OmG... KiMo got SoOo BIG! Check out her cRop tHo..

