Jul 11, 2010

Struggling Season

The Summer aka The Off Season, is the season devoted for ball players to focus on getting better. From the court, to the track, to the weight room, back to the court, we fully grasp the fact that hard work is the key ingredient to success. There is a popular saying which reads; "You are only good as your last game". In this case I will replace the word "game" with "season", so you are only as good as your last season. Based on how you performed the previous season determines your focus going into the off season. For example, in the eyes of Lebron James, his disappointing season had a lot to do with guys around him. His off season has been centered around the decision which he feels will put him in a better position to taste greatness.
In my case, my last season wasn't all that great in my opinion. I sought out on the mission in not allowing that to happen again. I began with analyzing, investing in the time and putting in the work. On Tuesday, I woke up with a weird feeling. The feeling that I would roll my ankle if I continued to play in my low cut Kobe IV's. I listened to my instinct and placed the gold kicks on the shelf.

Surely switching to mid-tops would prevent this from occurring; I thought to myself. That night, I played in a tournament which went fairly well. We won and advanced to the semi finals which took place the following day. Wednesday night I hit the court again laced with the mid-tops. 3 minutes into the game, I am running back in transition then boom... my ankle rolls. As I sit on the sidelines, I begin to go through the process of beating myself up and wondering why this just happen. I could not stand or walk for 2 days. All I did was lay in bed with my ankle elevated while icing every 2 hours. It was swollen all the way around and it was showing 0 signs of going down. All I could think about was the timing of it all. Of course my family let me have it with the repetitive remarks such as "why were you playing", "basketball is your job and you shouldn't have been out there with those guys". Like I said, I was trying to prepare myself, but I felt that this was one of those things that was almost destined to happen. My agent hosts an annual European exposure camp which is taking place on Monday and here I am out of commission. While I am laying there praying for healing and popping Motrin, all in hopes of being 100% by Monday morning.
I have to admit that I can be a bit stubborn, especially when it comes to injuries. Going to the Dr. is absolutely the last resort. If I can fight through the pain and/or find a self healing remedy I'm all for it. The swelling didn't decrease, and neither did the pain. Biting the bullet and making the trip to the Dr. office was tough but necessary. After the x-rays the verdict was... fracture. Doc said that a piece of my bone chipped and that I would have to stay off of it for a few weeks. The situation may suck and be tough to bare but I have faith that everything will work out according to the perfect will of The Lord. I am at a point of confusion and disbelief which are natural emotions at this juncture. I cannot and will not allow this to rattle my faith. I got to where I am today by the grace of God. My Father in Heaven whom has made a ways out of none. No matter how bad this situation may look in this season of my life I will never stop believing in the promises that HE has shown me. I am not sure what the outcome may be, but as long as The Lord is behind it I am willing to except it.


  1. Trust Is Your ONLY Option my brother,God is working on some things for you behind the scene.(Romans 8:18). You may not be able to see His hand, but at the end of Production You will see His Work!

    By faith your bones can supernaturally join together and manifested healing can take place if you only believe! Like Jesus said to Peter,I'll say to you I pray that your faith won't FAIL. You are too blessed to and the enemy is trying to use this as a "tactic" to about the spiritual and physically tangible gifts that God has placed in you.

    Keep the Faith

    *Just Call Me Justified!

  2. I'm sorry to hear of your injury. I know how frustrating it can be and am praying for your complete healing!

  3. Your Faith is too strong for this to distract you from your goal. Im looking forward to reading the post after you have recovered and played again! While you are resting enjoying being with your family, wife and friends, don't forget to breathe Keith. We're thinking about ya in the Mac.house. :)Amy

  4. Son I know how you feel. But rememeber Romans 8:28(NIV) All we know all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. I know you have your plans for your life, but God also has some plans Jeremiah 29:11(NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future. So keep your head up son, because ALL things happen for a purpose.

