Jun 7, 2010


June 7th, 2009 was the date that we confessed and shared our love before many. Vowing to forever love and cherish one another, from now until eternity. I remember that day quit vivid, as I should since it was only 365 days ago, feeling the spirit of the Lord in the midst of it all. Our first year of marriage was amazing to say the least. She accompanied me overseas to the Netherlands where she was my backbone and biggest fan. This past season was tough, and my faith was being shaken up on a daily. There were ample times when I just wanted to throw in the towel, but my wife stood by me, encouraged me, and prayed for me through it all. Being married does have its challenges, and it is something you must expect going into. We are all human being and no one is perfect. It takes a lifetime for two to become one, so with that said we must display patience. The enemy is so very real, and will try to do anything to place a wedge in-between something that the Lord has ordained. Matthew 18:20, is a popular scripture that stands out to me, it reads; "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them". When 2 or 3 hmmm... so 2 people make up a marriage, and if they are both serving God, and living there lives according to HIS perfect will, then that means HE will always be in there midst. The adversary views that as a threat and tries to do anything and everything to stir up drama, but the key word in that is "TRIES". So after a long/short first year of playing ball, traveling to Paris, Belgium, Brugge, and Amsterdam (pretty much every Sunday for church), we had our fair share of adventures. I thank our Lord and Savior everyday for blessing me with such a person whom I can not only call my wife, but my best friend.



  1. Congratulations Ur a Amzing couple
    God bless u

  2. You are the love of my life. :) Thank you for an amazing first year... one day, eternity to go! :) Love ya!

  3. That's wussup man... I can't wait til the day I make it official with my soulmate.. It's only a matter of time.. Now it's not only 2, but you 2 are now adding a Blessed addition & mock my words.. Life, Marriage & Daily Activities get EVEN BETTER!

