Sep 28, 2012

Wednesday Night Lights

I received the pleasure of speaking at the United Youth Group's See you at the Party night on Wednesday. This event was a celebration of what had taken place earlier that morning across the campuses of several Middle and High Schools...PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Throughout McKinney, Tx, students gathered around the flag pole and prayed in the name of Jesus. We are taking about PUBLIC SCHOOLS here... Maybe I am overreacting, but that is POWERFUL! These are students who have taken the initiative to make a statement on their campuses. It was placed in my heart to deliver a challenge to all the students whom were in attendance to be farmer's and begin to plant seeds of LOVE that will lead their fellow classmates to the Kingdom. To be patience with those whom may continuously fall for the tricks of the adversary. Most importantly, holding one another accountable cleaving to only what is good. The Lord amazes me with His ability to use someone so inadequate for His Glory... I am as lame as they come, but I am grateful to have the spirit of Christ steering me. Let your LIGHT shine! STAY BLESSED

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