I am currently reading Unfashionable by: Tullian Tchividjian, and less than 50 pages in I am already making the recommendation. He pounds at the fact how we as Christians are called to be set apart, and not blend in with the rest of the world. How if we want to make a difference in this world we must be different from this world. Here's an excerpt from chapter 1 that I can personally testify too.
"My newfound freedom had me chasing the things of this world harder than most others my age. I sought acceptance, affection, meaning, and respect behind every worldly tree and under every worldly rock. The siren song of our culture promised me that by pursuing the right people, places, and things, I'd find the belonging I craved. If I could look, act, and talk a certain way, my deep itch to fit in would finally get scratched.
But it didn't work out that way. The more I pursued those things, the more lost I felt. The more I drank from the well of worldly acceptance, the thirstier I became; the faster I ran toward godless pleasure, the farther I felt from true fulfillment; the more I pursued freedom, the more enslaved I became. At twenty-one I found myself hungering for belonging more than ever.
The world hadn't satisfied me the way it had promised, the way I'd anticipated. The world's message and methods had, in fact, hung me out to dry. I felt betrayed. Lied to. I desperately needed to be rescued by something--or Someone--out of this world."
Image by Trucker....Steve
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