Oct 25, 2011

Country Time

A few weeks ago, the fam and I attended the 2nd annual Spencer Family Reunion in Karnak,Tx. We were unable to make it to the 1st annual for some unknown reason, so we were very excited to see what was in store. As we spud down the country roads, the question came to mind..."Could I live out here in the country"? Where the homes are wide spread, grocery stores are miles away, and where street lights just don't exist. Driving pass the church where my great-grandparents tied the knot, and the private cemetery where their bodies lay, took me back to an era that I never witnessed.

Upon arrival, we spent the first half an hour just meeting family. Most of which we had never met or seen in our lives. When I would introduce myself by name, I noticed the; "oh...ok?" type look on their faces, but when I told them who my grandfather was that look morphed into an; "OH...WOW!" expression. What started out with a hand shake, quickly transformed into a hug. Much was learned about my new found family members, but more was learned about my grandfather, who passed back in '01. He was a man of honor, integrity, with the willingness to serve others. A man who worked hard as a young boy, all while raising his siblings. A man who entered a room and had a presence about him. Seeing the home he grew up in brought chills through my body as I tried to envision the home in its functioning condition. Very Humbling! I've been always proud to wear the Spencer name, and this trip has elevated that feeling.

So after this journey through the woods the question still stands; "Could I live in the country"?.....I will play it safe and say... IF I Had To!

Oct 22, 2011

Currently Bumpin'.....

A lot of great music being created as of late. These artists continue to grow in their craft, while remaining transparent through it all. From albums to mixtapes, here are some tunes that will fill your library while filling your spirit with truth.

Speaking of truth...Lets get started with artist Da Truth with his latest album The Whole Truth. Those that are heavy in the Christian Hip-Hop circuit should have caught wind of Truth's mishaps, but for those that are not I will touch on it briefly. Da Truth had an incident where he committed adultery with a married woman. This ordeal was a big shock not only to myself, but to the entire culture and its followers. After going through a state of depression and shame, the Lord lifted and restored Da Truth spiritually and physically. He and his wife have rededicated themselves, allowing him to get back to a place where he could comfortably make music again.
This situation displayed how much pride is a beast, and if you don't remain humble God will humble you! No one is above the ability to fall! The adversary is real, and seizes any opportunity to destroy you and all those who follow. When you are on a platform, the darts seem to be a bit sharper...which means your armour has to be bit thicker. This album is Da Truth at his best! Pouring his heart out with all the pain he endured, and the grace of God which restore him.

Another album I have in heavy rotation is Dying to Live by PRo. PRo is one of those artists who pack a lot of heat in their delivery and punch lines. When he is featured on a track, I can't help but to hold my breathe before he raps. Diggin' the concept and diggin' this album.

Andy Mineo, formerly known as C-Lite, is well known for his feature on Background with Lecrae. He killed it with his vocals on that track, but come to find out he's not a singer. Dude is just super talented! Check out this track and download his mixtape; Formerly Known.

My boy Duke put me on this track, and it has been on replay ever since...Bizzle brings the real the heat on every track he's on.

Please pray for these young brothas...

Tying the Knot

Congrats to my cousin "Day Day" for tying the knot of eternal love w/ his wife Elaine. They kept it pure, and the Lord most definitely honors those whom honor Him with obedience. This couple is actively involved in ministry, and have a deep rooted understanding of the calling on their lives. Much love to Mr. and Mrs. Doperoy.

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord."-Proverbs 18:22

Oct 15, 2011

Currently Bumpin'.....

The Decision Mixtape by KamBINO, discusses the gift of free will we have been given. The decision's we make in our life dictates where we stand in Christ. Kam uses this tape to shed light on some of his bad decisions, so that listeners may learn from his mistakes.

One of my favorite tracks from the project.


Click It, Or Ticket

Oct 9, 2011

I Stay In My Lane

On our way back from San Antonio, we had to make a pit stop at one of our favorite eateries. Kerbey Lane Cafe, located in the heart of Austin is where it goes down.

The queso is on point...The best I ever had!